Costruzioni Edili Baraldini Quirino S.p.A. pays particular attention to safety with continuous search for improvement and evolution in this sector. The motivation of this effort to make workings safer is firmly convinced that: having the welfare of workers at heart is an undoubted added value, the real engine and driving force of a company. Always work in an atmosphere of serenity, feel at ease for whatever task is required to perform, a condition that is reached with training and continuous dialogue between technicians and workers, both in the office, both in the meeting, and directly on the field, or in the pipeline. This dialogue is established not only with the employees but also with the subcontractors, since safety is the responsibility of every single person in the construction site.

For the Costruzioni Edili Baraldini Quirino S.p.A. it is essential that employees never feel like asking them something they can not do, or something that puts them under stress and in a position to work poorly and in a disadvantaged way. We believe that no work to be carried out, however complicated it may be, is so important that we can not take the time to discuss it, analyze it accurately and in detail and then make it safe.

Costruzioni Edili Baraldini Quirino S.p.A. it uses procedures and rules that guarantee that every employee is part of the business process and has an interest in common well-being, since the employees themselves are led to feel a homogeneous and compact working group.

In detail it is mandatory for workers to take a look at the safety measures and procedures set by the technical managers before carrying out the work. Both workers and subcontractors are told that there is no reason to take shortcuts and hasten work, because priority is given to organization and planning, key elements for solving the risk and the unexpected, all generating the right climate of work.

Costruzioni Edili Baraldini Quirino S.p.A. employs a team of technical managers who, in addition to training in the classroom for workers, transmit these values ​​to employees on a daily basis, doing inspections on site, interfacing with subcontractors and attending meetings. Unlike the normal training courses that workers follow in the classroom, the teachings that technical managers transmit daily are not made of rules or figures to learn, but of concepts that fix the conviction that every accident can be prevented, that everyone they are responsible both for themselves and for other colleagues.

The decision to follow this philosophy over the last few years has proved to be successful as the reports of dangerous situations have increased by the workers themselves, and this has allowed the technicians to take measures in a timely manner and to assess risks or dangerous situations that were not been considered or had been incorrectly analyzed. The dialogue between workers and technical managers therefore, increases not only those who directly and manually processes, but also the technical managers who analyze it preliminarily.

Thanks to this interaction among all the workers, they have become, in the long term, both promoters and diffusers of culture and of an ever increasing attention to safety.